
Articles about the MakAir open-source mechanical ventilator project.

MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Software

This is the sixth (and last!) article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all »

MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Electronics

This is the fifth article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all that was »

MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Pneumatics

This is the fourth article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all that was »

MakAir Series: The Building Blocks of a Mechanical Ventilator

This is the third article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all that was »

MakAir Series: How to Ventilate a Human Patient 101

This is the second article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all that was »

MakAir Series: The Inception of an Open-Source Ventilator Project

This is the first article of a series on the MakAir open-source ventilator, a project that I founded with friends, which was born at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. Think of this series of articles as a ledger of all that happened and all that was »